Shree Ramkrishna Charities Learning Methodology – SHREE RAMKRISHNA CHARITIES

Learning Methodology

Learning Methodologies

Educational Approach

Lab Concept

The approach behind the concept of the ‘Subject Labs’ is that each subject is a ‘Science’ in its own way and has its own developmental trajectory. These labs could be very useful as extensions of present classrooms for the students to gain experiential knowledge.

Teaching Methodology

In our approach to education, writing begins only in the 1st grade. However, a lot of pre-reading and pre-writing experiences such as threading the needle, putting seeds and beads on shapes, sight reading etc. are provided to create a background for the same. These help in motor development of the child.

School lays great emphasis on teaching subjects holistically with a ‘system as a whole’ approach. The project method is used for the same.
The use of blackboard is minimized and all teaching goes from actual hands-on concrete work to abstraction. Even abstract subjects like history & geography are made experiential by arranging field trips, enacting plays, tracing one’s own history etc.

The school tries to minimize the role of a teacher as the controller and driver of the educational process and instead makes her just a facilitator trying to scaffold the learning.

All threats in the form of punishments are banned in the school. The teacher is more of a friend, philosopher and guide.